Secondhand equipment Here is a list of all our used equipment classified ads, do not hesitate to contact us if necessary. Farm equipment Tractors Farm Tractors Harvesting equipment Combine harvester and accessories Combine harvester Cutting bar for combine harvester Seed drill No-Till Seed Drill Precision Seeder Combine Drill (harrow + drill, etc.) Sprayers Trailed sprayer Self-propelled sprayer Tractor-mounted sprayer Power harrow Rotary harrow Stone crusher Disc, tine & tillage equipment Plough Stubble cultivator Seedbed cultivator Subsoiler Harrow Weeder harrow Rolls & presses Spreaders Fertiliser spreader Manure spreader Parts Farm trailer Cereal tipping trailer Storage Screw, elevator, conveyor Hay and Forage equipment Round baler Large square baler Mower conditioner Wrapper Livestock equipment Silage Feeder Straw Blower Mixer Wheels, tyres, twin wheels Twin wheels Jobs/Training Handling / lifting Handling Telescopic handlers Trucks Roadworks vehicle Hydro-cleansing lorry Dustbin lorry (household waste)